Socially Engaged Yoga Network (SEYN) supports yoga teachers and community organizations committed to sharing the benefits of yoga with under-resourced communities in the Chicagoland area.  We build partnerships in the fields of community health, social services, environmental sustainability, and education to improve health, empower communities, and leverage resources for positive social change.

SEYN Gathering Winter 2019 at Hello Baby in Woodlawn covering Birth Justice and Yoga.

SEYN Gathering Winter 2019 at Hello Baby in Woodlawn covering Birth Justice and Yoga.


Here is a resource that Prison Yoga Chicagoland created in collaboration with Yoga for Recovery and the Socially Engaged Yoga Network in 2017. Dozens of these free booklets were distributed at jails.  Additional more updated resources of accessible yoga classes in the Chicagoland area are listed on Yoga to Transform Trauma and Yoga Chicago websites as well as YogaCare’s classes page.